EWP adjustments

Last week our colleagues created ‘one-way routes’ in the building so we can use our building and corridors the most efficient way in this new ‘Corona-era’. Today we also added a plastic screen to our EWP ‘sound-bar’, so we can start our regular lending services if needed. It looks strange, but when it is effective, we will deal with it! We even think of applying small plastic glass pieces in between the workspaces on the EWP workbench, so it may…

Self service recording instructions

This short manual explains how to use the video-setup the EWP has prepared for you in Studio 1. As soon as the demand for recording locations will increase, Studio 2 and Studio 4 will be equipped with the same camera setup. The video recordings can be made with our new Sony FDR-AX100. Please handle the…

Ready for recording

A few rooms within the building will be furnished with recording equipment, so that students can make a recording without assistance. We will provide a manual and we are available for questions via our website or Microsoft Teams. Today we installed equipment in Studio1 ready to be used. Some important remarks: you have to bring your own SD card for storage of the recording. If you do not have one, please inform us beforehand – we can arrange one for…

Phase #2 of building lock-down

On day #46 of the Corona building lock-down, our director Henk vd Meulen and his crisis-team came up with the next step in slowly opening our KC building again for individual practise. For exact details we refer to the content of his e-mail and the protocols that were attached. What does this new phase #2 mean for you and for us? We will begin our more regular lending services again starting on Monday, May 11th. We have to prepare the…