EWP WordPress website no longer updated

Since the move to the new building in Amare we are also re-organizing our digital structure. The colleagues of our Marketing and Communication department introduced the new KonCon portal Sharepoint (portal.koncon.nl), where also the EWP will have its own small domain to share important technical information. Checkout: https://denhaagkabk.sharepoint.com/sites/electronicsworkshopYou will need your xxx@koncon.nl account to acces…

Summer Holiday 2020

After a very busy time with on-line technical support and setting up live streams from the concert-halls, we are going to enjoy our well deserved holiday break. Like for everybody, the last four months were bizarre and unheard of. It was sad to experience the musical limitations but it was also inspiring to see the…


If you want to work on your own project, you are welcome to drop by. We are open from Tuesday to Friday from 10:00-17:00 and Mondays from 13:00-17:00. During regular school holidays we are closed. We can fit a maximum of 3 people that can work simultaneously on our small workbench. If you are in…

Useful links

Electronic components http://www.farnell.nl  Farnell Components Electronic components / sensors http://www.rs-online.nl RS Compontents Electronic components / sensors http://www.reichelt.de Reichelt Germany Electronic components / sensors http://www.conrad.nl Conrad Electronics Consumer electronics http://www.intronics.nl Intronics Pro electro http://www.sparkfun.com Sparkfun Usa Sensors, components http://www.antratek.nl Antratek Nederland Interfaces, programming http://www.distrelec.nl Distrelec Nederland MIsc components Studio /Music /Light / Computer http://www.thomann.de Thomann Germany Music…

New EWP website

Since our older Joomla (cms) based website needed a lot of attention and updates, we decided to change the website to another (kind of CMS), WordPress. WordPress is more ‘blog’ based. This means it is now easier for us to add some posts and keep you up to date. So that’s what we will try…

EWP team introduced

Three full-time technicians are working at the Electronic WorkshoP (EWP), all with their own specific tasks. Students are supporting the busy activities of the EWP by helping with the shop and the lending services. So there is more time to spend on repair, maintenance, development and student-projects. Lex van den Broek is mainly concerned with…


Emailewp@koncon.nl We can also be reached by MS Teams. Search on name or message to @EWP Video-recording related questions: Contact Siamak Anvaritutunchi Audio-recording related questions:Contact Marko Uzunovski Electronics/ projects related questions:Contact Lex van den Broek Telephone Lex van den Broek: +31(0)70-3151 591 Paul Schenkels: +31(0)70-3151 592 Marko Uzunovski: +31(0)70-3151 593 Student desk: +31(0)70-3151 594 AddressTurfhaven…