Phase #2 of building lock-down

On day #46 of the Corona building lock-down, our director Henk vd Meulen and his crisis-team came up with the next step in slowly opening our KC building again for individual practise. For exact details we refer to the content of his e-mail and the protocols that were attached. What does this new phase #2…

Jamulus Server Setup (Mac)

In our search for better audio quality recent weeks, we found the application Jamulus as one of the possible solutions to work on-line and combine it with music making. This application connects multiple musicians with each-other by means of a server. All you see in your screen is a volume knob (fader) to adjust the…

Network-Based Collaborative Music Making

Our colleagues in Oslo created a very informative page with a nice explanation how to use the network (internet) for music making. Please take the time to check this one out. Many thanks to Stefano Fasciani Tools for synchronous collaboration Jacktrip Soundjack Jamulus Source-connect Telematic performance format Musicianlink Sofasession Wemust Ultra-videoconferencing Jakazam Lola Artsmesh Ultragrid…

Corona closed EWP

As the rest of the world, also the Royal Conservatoire will close its doors till at least April 7th. So it is not possible any more to borrow equipment – we are very sorry. We have to find alternative ways to work with audio, video or electronics. Aslo with your “electronics questions” we will be…

CNC cutting machine

We recently bought a new ‘CNC-cutting machine’ so we can make our own front-panels or Printed Circuit Boards (pcb) in the future.Our colleague Paul is building the machine from scratch and soon it will be finished for us to realize our first project with it. If you want to know more details of this particular…